Our Mission

Nearly 50% (49.99%) of Waste is Disposed in Some Form of Landfill.

“Approximately 146.1 million tons of Municipal Solid Waste were landfilled in 2018” - EPA.gov

With MBL Technology, Imagine never again the need to rely on prehistoric landfill disposal or mass-burn incineration.

There are over 1,250 landfill facilities located in the United States.

  • The majority are located in the Southern and Midwestern Regions

  • The Average Size was 600 acres each.

(2018) Source Sea Shepherd Chile.org


The MBL Technology process will divert 90% or more of recyclables back into clean, dry, renewable materials.


Energy within 1 ton of MSW equals 1.5 to 2 Barrels of Crude Oil

MBL's Innovative Technology would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 1 Ton

per each ton of waste processed.

Throughout history, new technologies have continually disrupted industries of all types through innovation. From the time before the cotton gin to today's mobile phone, new ideas have been transformed to replace (disrupt) traditional methods. The same holds true today. MBL Technology stands in stark contrast to today's traditional waste disposal methods of burying or burning MSW. Rather than continuing on this path and needlessly destroying billions of dollars’ worth of recyclable resources, MBL Technology will divert and conserve at least 90% of these valuable materials for conversion back into new products. Update - Through the combination of MBL and our partner's processes, we can now recycle 100% of incoming material and realize our mission with zero waste to landfills while creating a circular economy.

Saving our planet and environment from harmful greenhouse gases, and other harmful vapors while increasing environmental awareness and responsibilities for future generations is our mission.

Our Commitment

Investing In Our Future

We care about our environments future BUT we need to help our bright minds that will care for our environment by providing them with the knowledge and funds to achieve these goals.

We Care Locally

Part owned and managed by Veterans, we employ local Tradesmen, Military Veterans and other members of the community.